FAQ (Ordering)

How to order online at Shogun2u?

1. Tell us where you are: Enter your location so that we can show you if we deliver to you.
2. Enter your exact delivery address, payment method and your phone number. Always make sure that you enter the correct phone number to help us contact you regarding your order, if needed.
3. Choose what you would like: Pick your selected items you’d like to order and proceed with payment.

Now sit back, relax, and we’ll get your food delivered to your doorstep.

I need to cancel or change my order! How can I do this?

Please notify us via online chat as soon as possible, so we can let the kitchen know before they starts preparing your order.

How long does it take for my order to get delivered?

We deliver in approximately 1 hour as our food is not fast food and its never pre cooked.We at shogun2u cook based on individual orders to ensure that our customers enjoy quality and healthy food at all times.Delivery time also depends on the number of orders that the kitchen has to prepare and on the distance between the kitchen and your delivery address. You can see the estimated delivery time once you have placed an order and rest assured that our team will notify you if there is additional time needed. After placing an order, a more precise delivery time will be communicated to you via the order confirmation email.

What are the delivery costs?

Delivery costs are determined by the order value. For all order below Rm50.00 there will be a delivery charge of Rm4.00 however there will be no delivery fee charged if the order is above Rm50.00.If you have created an account with us then you can enjoy free delivery for all your orders regardless of the order value.

How can I pay for my order?

We accept cash on delivery. In addition, there are various online payment methods available. You can check which payment methods are accepted on our website. Cash on Delivery - Select Cash on Delivery on the checkout page and pay the driver at your doorstep when you receive your order. Credit/Debit Card - Select Online Payment on the checkout page. After placing your order you will be redirected to the secure payment page of our payment partner, where you can follow the instructions. Once the payment is confirmed, the order will be transmitted to the kitchen.

Do I have to create an account to place an order?

With regards to any refund of a payment you have made online, please contact us via online chat or email us at enquiries@shogun2u.com.